You got this!


Fear never goes away. It can be a beautiful opportunity to develop inner strength and alignment that will expand your life.

To trust in life is to accept in it’s magic and beauty.

To expand is to feel joyous, light and peaceful.

Leverage fear into courage, face it full on, take one step at a time and remember your thoughts become your reality, so stay positive and reinforce to yourself that ‘you got this’ ✨

Most of all Enjoy the experience!

“Just Breathe. You are strong enough to handle your challenges, wise enough to find solutions to your problems, and capable enough to do whatever needs to be done” – Lori Deschene

Kindness and Compassion


Choosing to live with kindness and compassion, feelings of happiness, love and joy will follow.

When did kindness and compassion become an option, shouldn’t it just be a way of life. Shouldn’t we all give and receive kindness naturally and openly. To be unkind and uncompassionate is exhausting, wouldn’t life flow easier if we always lived in kindness and compassion.

Shouldn’t how others are feeling and what they are going through matter, don’t we all matter, aren’t we all worthy.

I choose and commit to kindness and compassion. I believe we are all worthy, I believe that we all matter.

Be kind to yourself, Be kind to others.

“Try to be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud” – Maya Angelou

“Do things for people, not because of who they are or what they do in return, but because of who are you ” – Harold S. Kushner


Living the Dream


Recently, I was pool side at a resort.

Having taken a few days from work to relax and rejuvenate, here I was reading a great book, by the pool, music in the background and cocktail in hand.

One of the staff walked by and said “Living the Dream”.

Living the Dream alright, how can I complain or begin to feel anything but light in such a wonderfully relaxing environment. The birds are chirping and a wild turkey is running about the place with no agenda but his own.

Living the Dream, endless possibilities and an array of choices.

Living the Dream, a moment of peace, a moment of bliss. In the void of thoughts is where the dreams are created.

When I came away for a few days, I thought I was just escaping the daily grind of work and home life. Never did I realise I was Living the Dream, yet here I am, lapping up every moment in every way, truly Living the Dream!

“Dream and give yourself permission to envision a You that you choose to be.” – Joy Page


When We Have a Dream


When we have a dream, we all have to start somewhere, Right?

Some people take little steps, some dive straight in. Some dreams are big and life changing and others smaller yet just as relevant and exciting.

Within one dream there could be many goals. Every goal has a purpose and is an important step to achieving your dream.

Sometimes dreams can feel overwhelming or something that is not achievable, or maybe you are waiting for the right moment.

Maybe your dream needs to be broken down into chunky size pieces. Maybe your dream won’t feel as overwhelming then.

If we wait for the right moment, that moment may never come. Sometimes it’s about taking the first step towards your dream, then the next step and the next.

Right now is always the right moment. The longer we procrastinate, put off our dreams, we are missing out on an opportunity to accomplish, celebrate, progress, move forward, experience joy and all the positive feelings that go with that. We are denying ourselves the love and joy we deserve by not living out our dreams.

We are all entitled to have dreams, and to dream as big as we choose.

Who is with me in celebrating dreams and making them happen?

“Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway” – Earl Nightingale


It’s Just the Beginning


You get to a point in life where, your priorities change, your focus and thoughts start to weave a new journey.

Hell, that’s exciting!!

Imagine having a life that you can design, exactly as you want it?

Oh, but hold on! Fear gets in the way. Fear takes hold of your thoughts, which start to make the focus blurry.

Damn Fear, who is over fear? Fear controls and manipulates, tries to steer you in the opposite direction to the one your heart wants you to take.

You battle hard against the fear. In some cases fear wins, what about those where fear always wins. Imagine that life, how would you feel?

In order for my life to be designed and created, as I want, I need to work hard to overcome fear. Work with it, not against it. Everyday has a new challenge, I take a deep breath and ram fear full on…. Come on Fear, Bring it on!!

I’m ready to create the life that I want.

“Your greatest fear carries your greatest growth”


Just Be


“Just Be” – 2 words constantly repeated to me over the past 3 months.

Just Be, So Simple
Keep it simple, live in the moment, smell the roses, be at peace in this moment
Cherish everything and everyone, especially cherish yourself
Accept where you are and where you are heading
Keep in your heart, those nearest and dearest to you
‘Just Be’, in this present moment.

Take the time to let someone you love know how you feel, what they mean to you in this present moment
That is what matters, for what if you never got the chance to tell them
To allow them to feel what you feel.

‘Just Be’, in a world of entitlement, stress, fast paced living and chaotic decision making
Learning to ‘Just Be’, if only for a moment each day, will create a connection with yourself
Loving yourself is the best thing you can do for you, on this earthly journey
Why do some people find that so hard to do
Why do we spend so much of our life caring about how others love, see and think about us
Yet we don’t focus so much on loving ourselves.

For here, I choose to love myself
Always choose me
Take Care of me
Be gentle with me
Learn to ‘Just Be’ and enjoy my own inner voice
For if I don’t have me, then what do I have?

All you need is love – John Lennon




How interesting, that life always seems to send you reminders at the right time… I love synchronicity!

After my last post, this quote appeared on my screen whilst working:

“One day she finally grasped that unexpected things were always going to happen in life.

And with that, she realised the only control she had was how she chose to handle them.

So, she made the decision to survive using courage, humor and grace.

She was the Queen of her own life and the choice was hers” – Kathy Kinney


Awesome feeling of Choice


I feel I’m getting to a point in life where I’m only interested in doing, experiencing and feeling those things in life that make my heart sing.

This includes how I choose to live, the type of work I engage in, who I engage with, the activities I do. How I spend my day to day life now is becoming the most important priority for me, and what an awesome feeling that is. What an awesome feeling to realise I have a choice and that I choose to do those things, that every single day, will bring a smile, inspire and create a sense of happiness, satisfaction and soulful nourishment.

The fact that we need to go through the first few decades without fully understanding who we really are and what we mean in this life time is so ludicrous yet so powerful in terms of our journey. Without the journey how can we appreciate where we have come, how can we understand who we authentically are, what we do and don’t want in our lives and most importantly how you want your future to look.

The whole journey leads us exactly to this point. Now to make a list of those things that make my heart sing. Start to action those and whilst actioning, listening to the smile on my face, happiness of my heart and the patter of my soul as it dances beneath the sky.

“Take the time to do what makes your soul happy”


Happiness is all yours


What a great moment in life, when you finally realise that your own happiness is not defined by others.

When you realise that you aren’t defined by others, their actions, words, behavior and thoughts. That you love yourself regardless of who loves you, accepts you or wants to be with you.

Living our lives, defined by others, traps us into a world of frustration and hurt and unhappiness.

Imagine being strong, standing tall and saying “I don’t need your approval and I don’t need you to recognise or like me, for me to love myself”.

Their are 7 odd billion people in this world, many of whom will love and accept you for who you truly are, spend your energy on finding these people, but mostly spend the time loving and accepting yourself.

“Don’t forget to love yourself”


A Bonus-ful Life


A few months ago, a gorgeous friend of mine said to me “Life is about creating your own happiness and life path, once you have your own inner happiness, everything else is a bonus”.

For these last few months I have thought, many a times, about this. This certainly feels like a very peaceful quote, something that is positive and enriching. I have not only thought about it, I’ve pulled it apart and twisted it around, spent time understanding what it really means to me as a person and to life and the purpose we all want to live.

As simple as it sounds, life really is about making it what you want. Choosing how you want to live life, the person you want to be and the path you want to follow, is really all we need to focus on. When you focus on creating your own happiness each and every day, everything on top of that really is the bonus. Whether that bonus relates to certain relationships, goals that come to fruition, opportunities, unexpected coincidences.

It has been a mind blowing WOW to realise that life isn’t about having someone or something to be happy, that we can’t afford to waste time placing our own happiness on hold because we feel that when ‘such and such happens, appears, does this, does that’ that then we will be happy. Happiness truly is within, once you have happiness and create happiness, everything in life is therefore a bonus, an added extra to your already self-made happiness..

And what a wonderful and comforting thought that is. I’m looking forward to many bonuses coming my way!

This is a quote that I will carry around with me for the rest of my days. So extremely grateful for that friend, who shared such a thought provoking piece of wisdom with me.

“You don’t need a reason to be happy, just a choice”
